RTU B.Tech 6 sem Result - Check 6th Sem main/Back result 2013 @rtuexam.net
Rajasthan Technical University (RTU) has already conducted B.tech 6th Semester Examination in the month of April , 2013 . Many students had given the B.tech 6 Sem Exam. Right now, we have latest news that RTU is going to declare the 6th Sem Result 2013 on around frist week of september i.e may be on 05th September, 2013.
After giving the RTU 6th sem Exam , Candidates may be eagerly waiting for the Result. so now, candidates need not to wait so longer for checking the RTU 6th Sem.
Candidates can check the RTU 6th Sem result on its official website of RTU at www.rtuexam.net.
All the Candidates are suggested to please keep visiting on this website again and again , Because whenever RTU officially declared the 6th sem Result, we will immediately provide the Direct link to Check the Result.
Candidates must be bring their roll no. while checking the result because you have to enter your roll no. to see the 6 th Sem Result 2013.
If anybody has any query regarding 6th Sem result 2013, so they can directly contact on the following address :
Rajasthan Technical University,
Rawathbhata Road Kota-324010
Click Here to check the B.Tech 6th sem Result 2013.
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We wish you Good luck for your B.Tech Results !!!
Rajasthan Technical University (RTU) has already conducted B.tech 6th Semester Examination in the month of April , 2013 . Many students had given the B.tech 6 Sem Exam. Right now, we have latest news that RTU is going to declare the 6th Sem Result 2013 on around frist week of september i.e may be on 05th September, 2013.
After giving the RTU 6th sem Exam , Candidates may be eagerly waiting for the Result. so now, candidates need not to wait so longer for checking the RTU 6th Sem.
Candidates can check the RTU 6th Sem result on its official website of RTU at www.rtuexam.net.
All the Candidates are suggested to please keep visiting on this website again and again , Because whenever RTU officially declared the 6th sem Result, we will immediately provide the Direct link to Check the Result.
Candidates must be bring their roll no. while checking the result because you have to enter your roll no. to see the 6 th Sem Result 2013.
If anybody has any query regarding 6th Sem result 2013, so they can directly contact on the following address :
Rajasthan Technical University,
Rawathbhata Road Kota-324010
Click Here to check the B.Tech 6th sem Result 2013.
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We wish you Good luck for your B.Tech Results !!!
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