K-SET Syllabus 2013 | Karnataka SET Exam Previous Question Papers
The Karnataka State Eligibility Test (K-SET) center for Lectureship, University of Mysore, Mysore will be holding the Test on 08th December 2013 (Sunday) for determining the eligibility for Lectureship in various universities /colleges /Institutions in Karnataka State. Syllabus for K-SET examination will be the same as in UGC/CSIR-NET. Our blog www.iups.in provide complete details of K-SET Test Scheme & Syllabus is mention below -
Scheme and Date of Examination :
K-SET Test will consist of three papers. The test for all the three papers will consist of only MULTIPLE-CHOICE questions. The test will be held on 08th December 2013 (SUNDAY), in two separate sessions as mentioned below -
Session 1st :
Paper-I : General Paper on Teaching and Aptitude :
This Paper shall be of general nature, intended to assess the teaching/research aptitude of the candidate. It will primarily be designed to test reasoning ability, comprehension, divergent thinking and general awareness of the candidate. Sixty(60) multiple-choice questions of two marks each will be given, out of which the candidate would be required to answer any fifty (50) questions. In the event of candidate attempting more than fifty questions, the first fifty questions attempted by the candidate would be evaluated.
Paper-II : Subject Paper :
This Paper shall consist of questions based on the subject selected by the candidate. Each paper will consist of a Test Booklet containing 50 compulsory Multiple-choice questions of two marks each.
Session 2nd :
Paper-III : Subject paper (in depth questions) :
I. This Paper will consists of 75 Multiple-choice, compulsory questions from the subject selected by the candidates. Each questions will carry two marks.
II. All the questions of paper II & Paper III will be compulsory, covering the entire syllabus (including all electives, without any options). The candidate will have to mark the responses for questions of paper I, Paper II & paper III on the optical mark reader (OMR) sheet provided along with the test booklet.
III. A candidate who does NOT appear for Paper-I and Paper-II will NOT be permitted to appear for Paper-III.
There will be no negative marking.
Click Here to Download K-SET Subject Wise Syllabus.
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We wish you Good luck for your Exam & Future !!!
The Karnataka State Eligibility Test (K-SET) center for Lectureship, University of Mysore, Mysore will be holding the Test on 08th December 2013 (Sunday) for determining the eligibility for Lectureship in various universities /colleges /Institutions in Karnataka State. Syllabus for K-SET examination will be the same as in UGC/CSIR-NET. Our blog www.iups.in provide complete details of K-SET Test Scheme & Syllabus is mention below -
Scheme and Date of Examination :
K-SET Test will consist of three papers. The test for all the three papers will consist of only MULTIPLE-CHOICE questions. The test will be held on 08th December 2013 (SUNDAY), in two separate sessions as mentioned below -
Session 1st :
Paper-I : General Paper on Teaching and Aptitude :
This Paper shall be of general nature, intended to assess the teaching/research aptitude of the candidate. It will primarily be designed to test reasoning ability, comprehension, divergent thinking and general awareness of the candidate. Sixty(60) multiple-choice questions of two marks each will be given, out of which the candidate would be required to answer any fifty (50) questions. In the event of candidate attempting more than fifty questions, the first fifty questions attempted by the candidate would be evaluated.
Paper-II : Subject Paper :
This Paper shall consist of questions based on the subject selected by the candidate. Each paper will consist of a Test Booklet containing 50 compulsory Multiple-choice questions of two marks each.
Session 2nd :
Paper-III : Subject paper (in depth questions) :
I. This Paper will consists of 75 Multiple-choice, compulsory questions from the subject selected by the candidates. Each questions will carry two marks.
II. All the questions of paper II & Paper III will be compulsory, covering the entire syllabus (including all electives, without any options). The candidate will have to mark the responses for questions of paper I, Paper II & paper III on the optical mark reader (OMR) sheet provided along with the test booklet.
III. A candidate who does NOT appear for Paper-I and Paper-II will NOT be permitted to appear for Paper-III.
There will be no negative marking.
Click Here to Download K-SET Subject Wise Syllabus.
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We wish you Good luck for your Exam & Future !!!
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